It is all about you!

House of Specialties and Gifts.

What is it? Who is it about? It is your business, and we are all in it together!


My name is Pamella Sue Yates, I am the owner and copywriter for House of Specialties and Gifts.

I am a copywriter that can help your business achieve great goals in saving time, saving money and growing revenue. By providing my copywriting services for your company so you can implement the completed product of such materials as an employee handbook or website written by House of Specialties and Gifts, to help create great profits.

I have a history of entrepreneurships in my family going back in generations before me. I have been in management in past years so I know what its like to be on the top. I have years of knowledge in Construction Safety, and Business administrations. I have Bachelors of Science Degree in Business. By applying my knowledge and writing skills to your business needs we can climb mountains together, and break down those walls. Resulting in growth, saving time, money, and creates a higher abundancy in profits.