(PPE), Personal Protective Equipment Saves Lives

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), hard hats, orange shirts or jackets, safety glasses, work boots, and lanyards, any of these and /or all are a acquirement according to OSHA rules on residential or commercial construction work zone. PPE saves lives every day and has been a proven way and extra protection to keep accidents low in the workplace. The following PPE is discussed in hopes to save another life. or reduce the potential of getting hurt in the workplace.

Hard hats

Hard hats are used as a protectant of the head. Hard hats are a made aluminum or a hard plastic to cover and shield the head from dropping objects, objects flying like wire when fencing, or flying nails, or rocks.

In large companies the employees are usually organized by colors such orange for safety, white for supervisors and lime green for the new employees, stickers are usually placed on the hard hat with employees names and name of company. by doing this it lets the other person know who and what company they work for witch makes business a whole lot easier, helping to save time and money when you can automatically acknowledge someone’s name on the job and what department they are working for.

Safety Glasses

Safety glasses protect the eyes against flying objects, and puncture of an eye, for an example ,from a stick or rock,. The Eyewear has saved many penetrating objects from entering the eyeball. Saving a company loss in money, time, and havoc in the work system, to replace an employee and even keeping a company from getting sued.

Safety vest

Safety jackets or safety colored shirts , orange, or bright green are used for letting a driver or machine operator see the worker. When a worker wears regular clothes or brown overalls they blend in with the stick, trees, and stones in the background. If the worker is not easily seen then that raises the chances of the worker getting hit by a driver or a piece of machinery.

Tunnel vision also is a common entity on the job amongst machine operators which also increases the chance even more of a worker getting hurt or even possibly death can occur. Using the colored shirts of orange, or lime (bright green) can save your life. if you are wearing colors and you still get hit by machinery than the driver or operator is at fault and needs an eye exam. The worker should also watch out for the operator it is always so important to stay in the view of the operator.


It is best to wear appropriate clothing for the job, use common sense like when working around augers, belts, gears, and pulleys. This means no loose clothing and hair should be put up or cut short , or it will get caught and you could loose a body part or get killed.

Appropriate shoes, work boots for maintenance or construction. A good boot often avoids the foot from getting cut or punctured by falling debris. Thongs and sandals are not aloud.

Gloves there are several different types of gloves it is usually up to the employee to provide the gloves needed for the job.

So as you can see here that (PPE) Personal protective equipment saves lives and reduces accidents in the workplace by the numbers.


Lanyards are to be worn when on a roof of a construction site. the lanyard is to keep a person from falling and crashing to the ground.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) rules are placed for a reason, and to follow them is a regulation. To violate such rules there are matters of repercussion like getting fined, fired, or a accident, or death may occur and then there is the mental health that goes along with it like the guilt, the PTSD post traumatic stress disorder, Nightmares. So, please I urge you where your PPE and save a life, save yourself, and the company. Such problems do exist when not following the rules.

Harley Davidson Presents Freedom

Now is the time to be free

Who is amongst us, who wants to feel true freedom? Nothing is like the feeling of riding and not to mention the prestige of driving a Harley-Davidson on Highway 95 in Idaho headed down to Sturgis, South Dakota. feeling the freedom like never before is what Harley Davidson is all about. on any trip or just a short drive. Harley Davidson is a good way of getting away and taking a break from the rat race. Yes, freedom is what Harley Davidson is all about.

The showroom

When walking into the showroom it is such an awesome wow type feeling, A place full of such beauty full of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, leather clothing, and other motorcycle accessories. the motorcycles are so breathtaking in features and can be customized to fit your needs. There are different styles such as the Sportster, or Heritage. This shop is a must see to appreciate, and best of all you do not have to purchase a ticket to get in and see the road treasures.


Spring is a time for getting out. So come on Down to Harley-Davidson its time to go vroom vroom. Save gas come on down to the showplace and make the trade in of a lifetime. Harley Davidson takes boats, trucks, campers, automobiles, if you come on down with it, they probably take it, towards a down payment on the pick of your new Harley. So do not be shy. Come check one out.

Motorcycle School

Harley Davidson in Meridian Idaho also has a Harley-Davidson school where you can take a handful of driving courses and get your motorcycle license. You have just got to check it out.

So do not leave empty handed when Harley-Davidson provides an economical way of getting around. It only makes sense to be an owner of one of these fine specimens of motorcycles in all their glory and freedom.

Construction Safety, How to be OSHA Compliant

One segment at a time, based upon research and experience out in the field as a Safety Specialist.

Latrines/Porta Jons

1. Every workplace must have some kind of restroom for the employees to use. Rather it be in the building or an outhouse placed on the job, Like a Porta Jon.

In the outdoor latrines the caretaker of the latrines would come by and clean them every so often. Often finding needles, ruminants of weed, cigarette butts and more thrown down the pit of the latrine. You know if your employee is going to the bathroom a lot something is up. Either it is drugs they are using, or they are on there cell phone, or the employee is ill. Some people drink in the outhouse throwing the evidence down the hole.

Taking up time like this in the latrine may cause havoc on the job. It takes up time and cost money. If in the event there is an accident due to someone using drugs or drinking on the job, this then costs lots of money, and extra time investigating. Sometimes even death may occur unless early intervention is taken place. Like having a A drug policy on board, and testing your employees regularly. Such accidents are less likely to happen. resulting in saving money and time.


2. There must be no tape on extension cords, no frays or cuts. Extension cords like these are a hazard on the job. The bad cords may cause a fire, or electrocution. Cords must be inspected on a regular basis and note a record helps and proves such inspections take place. Replacing the damaged cords is mandatory and is an OSHA requirement. if electric cords and extension cords are found to be damaged or taped there may be hefty fines. Remember it pays to be safe and safety is a tax write off. Get those damaged cords off the site. Keep in mind, cords on tools can not be damaged or taped, Replace the cords and invest some time and money into yourself or your business.