We are the World

We are the World, this song came out in the 80’s, Smoking Bob, brought this song to my attention. I have not heard it for a very long time. It brought tears to my eyes.

In the 80’s there was a recession, I was young but resilient . The times were real hard and we the people must remember this song and how important it was in the 80’s. WE are the World united people it brought us closer together not just as groups but as individuals giving to each other helping each other become stronger and unite as one. A very important song of the 80’s and in my life time .

This video captures some of the most talented singers of the 80’s. We are the World brought to us by U.S.A. for Africa. Those of you of my time and know how to give, the video song and words may bring tears to your eyes such as it did mine. I would like to thank the people that wrote, and sing this song, and those making it possible for us to hear today. In this recession times are tough, but as we work together, we grow as one, and we get through it together.

History today repeats itself, the economy finding it’s way to another recession. We have been through these recessions before only to learn from them, and the recessions sure make us cry. Some recessions worse than the others. This is a time where we are going to see duck tape on clothes, and patches. A time for sewing and making quilts out of your old clothes, so save them is now. it is a part of being self sufficient. A part of being old school. A lack of money, a scarcity of employees. In todays times we are going to have to be more giving of each other and do things for one another to help each meet our needs to survive. So give and help make this a brighter world for you, and me .