

When it comes down to it business safety is a given, and always comes first. Safety should be #1 in your business. Keeping your business in compliance is key to any business. Finding someone who understands both sides, and knows how to work safety on the business to create a safe environment adds value to the business and creates a a higher margin for profits.

Often businesses fear safety, like small time construction companies often fined because of lack of not being in compliant. OSHA comes onto the jobsite to inspect, if the inspected jobsite does not meet regulations then there are fines.

The specialist comes to the business. They make job assessments by inspection, the specialist then fixes what is wrong and brings everything up to code to meet OSHA guidelines and to meet county, state, and federal code. A safety specialist is brought in so the business does not self destruct meaning business closure, which may be detrimental to employees and business owners.

To make a business safe it does include implementing policies and procedures on the workplace, and enforce them. Safety’s number one goal is to protect the business from any unsafe feature that may come in its path. Safety is a 100% tax write off.

Coming soon……. A quick rundown of how to follow compliancy in construction safety to meet OSHA Guidelines.