Construction Safety, How to be OSHA Compliant

One segment at a time, based upon research and experience out in the field as a Safety Specialist.

Latrines/Porta Jons

1. Every workplace must have some kind of restroom for the employees to use. Rather it be in the building or an outhouse placed on the job, Like a Porta Jon.

In the outdoor latrines the caretaker of the latrines would come by and clean them every so often. Often finding needles, ruminants of weed, cigarette butts and more thrown down the pit of the latrine. You know if your employee is going to the bathroom a lot something is up. Either it is drugs they are using, or they are on there cell phone, or the employee is ill. Some people drink in the outhouse throwing the evidence down the hole.

Taking up time like this in the latrine may cause havoc on the job. It takes up time and cost money. If in the event there is an accident due to someone using drugs or drinking on the job, this then costs lots of money, and extra time investigating. Sometimes even death may occur unless early intervention is taken place. Like having a A drug policy on board, and testing your employees regularly. Such accidents are less likely to happen. resulting in saving money and time.


2. There must be no tape on extension cords, no frays or cuts. Extension cords like these are a hazard on the job. The bad cords may cause a fire, or electrocution. Cords must be inspected on a regular basis and note a record helps and proves such inspections take place. Replacing the damaged cords is mandatory and is an OSHA requirement. if electric cords and extension cords are found to be damaged or taped there may be hefty fines. Remember it pays to be safe and safety is a tax write off. Get those damaged cords off the site. Keep in mind, cords on tools can not be damaged or taped, Replace the cords and invest some time and money into yourself or your business.

A Hug

In a time of mayhem, a hug shall suffice. Hugs are self healing. What is a hug? Lets examine a hug.

What is a hug? A hug is when two bodies touch by the wrapping of arms , creating an energy flow between two living entities, like two people, or a human and a dog. Hugs are self healing. Giving someone a hug is the most compassionate form of kindness a person can give and receive from one another. A hug can be given at anytime Birthdays, weddings or even at a time of grief. One even needs a good hug during the time of chaos. Hugs a way of expression of nurturing each other to make us feel good.

So show an act of kindness, and give a hug today, go ahead it is a step to self healing, and a hug shows that you care. Hugs are self healing,